Soft Toy Polar Bear Cub Floppy by Hansa (48 cm.L) 6671

Soft Toy Polar Bear Cub Floppy by Hansa (48 cm.L) 6671
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Product Information

This Polar Bear is made from a soft fabric that your fingers just sink into making those cuddles irristible. It has no frame or support inside, just stuffed with filling soft enough for those cuddles but firm enough to keep its shape.

It is by Hansa is made to the highest standards from the finest materials and carries the CE label so it is safe for children and is surface washable.
Size approx. 18.8"(48cm) in length.

Dimensions in cm.
L 48 W 20 H 15

Polar Bear Facts

Polar bears are the largest carnivore (meat eater) that lives on land and male polar bears can weigh up to 680 kg (1500 lb) while the females are generally half that weight. Despite their size polar bears can obtain speeds up to 25mph (40kph) on land and 6mph (10kph) in water.

The polar bears’ fur appears white but it is actually transparent and the skin is black with a layer of blubber nearly 10cm thick just below the surface.

They live in the Arctic and the scientific name for them is ursus maritimus and scientists estimate that there are around 20,000. It was also the mascot foe the 1988 Winter Olympics in Calgary, Canada.

Most of their time is spent at sea.
