Amber bottles are the traditional colour of beer bottles. The amber colour helps protect against UV light, Which is especially important with coloured drinks like beer and red wines.
Amber coloured home brew glass bottles reduces the effects of storage in bright conditions.
Also useful for home-brewed liquors and spirits and sparkling wines, cider and champagne.
How to re-use glass crown cap beer bottles.
Glass crown cap bottles are the traditional home brew glass bottles used for home brewed beer and commercially brewed beer alike.
Before binning or recycling your glass containers, consider reusing them. This is an easy way to reduce your carbon footprint and contribution to landfill sites.
Glass containers are perfect for reuse. Glass is durable, corrosion resistant and long lasting. Glass will not break down overtime like plastic. Glass is made from nontoxic raw materials (sand, silica, limestone, soda ash, and recycled glass), Glass, itself, is nontoxic and has a near zero rate of chemical interaction.
Glass jars, bottles, and containers can be reused or repurposed in a variety of ways. Just ensure you sanitize them thoroughly between uses!