Growing Vines to Make Wine

Growing Vines to Make Wine
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Product Information

This new book is an updated amalgamation of two earlier published titles - Growing Vines (1972) and Wines from your Vines (1974).

Growing vines to make wine is detailed, yet concise, and covers all aspects from planting the vines through cropping and vinification to enjoying the final product.

Following Nick Poulters conversion from elderberry to the grape over thirty years ago, he and his former business partner started planting a commercial vineyard in Cranmore on the Isle of Wight.

In 1984 the vineyard was producing 15000 to 20000 bottles of wine a year and the associated vine nursery around 30000 plants. The vineyard was sold at that time, but the nursery continued until 1996.

In this book, Nick Poulter shares his vineyard experience of grape vines for wine making and sets out all that he would like to have known when he began.

The quality of English wine is continuously improving.

This book will help the amateur to use the right grape vines for wine making and make high-quality wine from home-grown grapes. The emphasis is to use the right variety of grapes, and to follow the simple rules.
