Peter's Yard Mini Crispbread: Caraway - 90g box

Peter's Yard Mini Crispbread: Caraway - 90g box
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Product Information

These artisan crispbreads are the result of our passion for traditional baking. Originally starting life in a small bakery in the Swedish countryside, our crispbreads are now made here in the UK.

Creating the perfect crispbread is a labour of love, which is why our team of artisan bakers have skill and patience by the bucket load. Here at Peter’s Yard, we understand that you can’t make great food in a hurry.

Made to a traditional Swedish recipe, we use only the best natural ingredients, including Shipton Mill flour ( Our bakers combine sourdough, fresh milk, rye flour, whole wheat flour and honey to create irresistibly crispy and wobbly crispbreads, which complement a whole host of sweet or savoury toppings.
