18L Complete Cider Making Starter Kit

18L Complete Cider Making Starter Kit
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Product Information

An 18L complete cider making starter kit includes all the equipment you need to make your cider from a cider kit or from scratch, typically at a small scale of 1-5 gallons. 

Here's what you'll usually find in one:

Essential equipment included with the kit

  • 18L Cider/Fruit press: If you plan on making cider from fresh apples or pears, a fruit press will come in handy to extract the juice.
  • 25L/5G bucket serves as the container where your cider will ferment. It should be made of food-grade plastic or glass and can match the amount of cider you wish to brew. A 22L bucket is a good size for beginners.
  • 25L/5G bucket Lid & Grommet A lid to fit the bucket with a grommet to fit the airlock
  • Airlock: This fits into a hole in the lid of the fermentation bucket and allows carbon dioxide to escape while preventing oxygen & contaminants from entering.
  • Hydrometer: This measures the sugar content of your cider, which helps you determine the alcohol content and when fermentation is complete.
  • Simple Syphon: This transfers your cider from the fermentation bucket to bottles or another container for ageing or bottling.
  • 100g VWP steriliser: You'll need a food-grade sanitiser to clean and sterilise your equipment before using it.
  • Long-Handled Spoon:  A long-handled spoon suitable for stirring the ingredients in a large fermenter
  • Bulldog Full Range Thermometer: A thermometer for checking your brew is kept at the right temperature

Optional equipment:

  • Apple grinder/crusher: This makes breaking down the apples or pears easier before pressing them.


  • Apples or pears: The star of the show! Choose ripe, flavorful apples or pears for the best results. You can use a variety of different types to create unique flavour profiles.
  • Yeast: Cider yeast is designed explicitly for fermenting cider. Make sure to choose the right type of yeast for the style of cider you want to make.
  • Sugar (optional): If your apples or pears are not very sweet, you may need to add some sugar to increase the alcohol content.

With a complete cider making starter kit and a little bit of know-how, you can make delicious homemade cider in no time!

Here are some additional tips for beginner cider makers:

  • Start small. Don't try to make a large batch of cider your first time. It's better to experiment with smaller batches until you get the hang of it.
  • Be patient. Cider takes time to ferment and age. Don't expect to have a finished product in a week or two.
  • Could you keep it clean? Sanitation is essential when making cider. Make sure to clean and sterilise all of your equipment before using it.
  • Have fun! Making cider is a fun and rewarding hobby. Don't be afraid to experiment and try new things.

