I have a Rcom 20/50 Max which is displaying ERR 01. What do I do?

Product Information

An 'ERR 01' code on a Rcom 20/50 MAX appears due to an issue with the sensor. In most cases it can just be caused by a build up of dust and dirt on the sensor and it just needs cleaning. 

The sensor can be found at the front of the incubator under the black grill that goes round the inside of the whole incubator. In order to to access the sensor to clean it fully, remove the guard. In some cases, you will need to remove the black panel that covers the PCB . Once accessed, we would then advise unplugging the sensor and brushing it down with a soft small paint brush or make-up brush, before plugging the sensor back in. 

If this does not work, then the sensor needs to be replaced. This is more common in incubators where tap water has been used instead of the recommended distilled or deionised water. Tap water will not only cause a build up of scale on the humidity heater but also on the sensor which can cause this error to appear. It can happen with purified water, 'boiled then cooled' water and even in 'soft water' areas. 

If you purchased the Incubator from us after 2017 then you can find the sensor you require for the Rcom 20 here and the Rcom 50 here.

If the incubator was not purchased from us, or you believe it was purchased before 2017, please contact us via the contact form below and remember to enter the required information, most importantly: when you bought the incubator/how old the unit is, where you purchased it from and the serial number. It is important we have this information so we can accurately advise you. 

If the incubator was purchased from us more rececently or if you're unsure if it's still covered by warranty, please also use the contact us here. 
